Be Sure to Check Out
the Previously-Owned
Nordic Tugs on the
SENTOA For Sale Page |
Dave Mackey, owner of NT 32-162, recently shared a video of Eritad, filmed by his son using a drone. Click the image to view the video on YouTube. |
In Member's Tugs
You Can Access the
Nordic Tug Fleet List
and Photo Album with
Over 300 Nordic Tugs |
Welcome to SENTOA
SENTOA, the Southeast Nordic Tug
Owner's Association, was founded in the spring of 2003
at the Nordic Tug Rendezvous held in Stuart, Florida.
The goal of the organization is to enhance Nordic Tug
ownership by providing assistance to owners, by sharing
ideas, cruising information and local knowledge, and by
enjoying social activities with other association members.
Membership is open to current, previous,
and aspiring Nordic Tug owners regardless of their geographic
location. Use the menu above to learn more about SENTOA
and Nordic Tugs, join our organization, or read tips from Nordic Tug owners.
SENTOA is the proud sponsor of the SENTOA list server.
The SENTOA list server currently has over 350 subscribers
and is without a doubt the primary means of communicating
among Nordic Tug owners. Click here if
you are interested in subscribing to the SENTOA list server.
Paid up members of SENTOA qualify for a 50 percent discount on Boat US memberhsip. You can qualify by using SENTOA's group code: GA84925B when applying.