SENTOA Membership


SENTOA is an organization run by volunteers. The primary purpose is to enhance the Nordic Tug ownership experience. SENTOA is open to all Nordic Tug owners and prospective owners regardless of geographic location.

Joining SENTOA is easy. Download our PDF application form (requires free Adobe Acrobat Reader), print it out, complete the application and mail it with a check in the amount of $15.00 that includes the annual dues and a one-year subscription to the SENTOA list server (see below). Please mail the application and check to:

C/O L Kirk Glenn
51 Harbour Passage
Hilton Head Island, SC 29926

SENTOA List Server


SENTOA operates an Internet discussion list (called a list server) for the benefit of all current and prospective Nordic Tug owners. To join, click the following link:

SENTOA Officers


Officer Name Email Contact
Commodore Bill Keltner
Vice Commodore Unfilled
Finance Chair Kirk & Susan Glenn
Rendezvous Chair



SENTOA Listserv Administrative Team

Herb Nickles
Richard Quarles



1. Background:
Inspired by the leadership of Al Casanova, the first SENTOA Rendezvous was held in Stuart, Florida, April 4-6, 2003. The purpose was to foster comradeship amongst Nordic Tug owners and explore the feasibility of starting an association. Based on a positive response from those attending, the Southeast Nordic Tug Owners association (SENTOA) was created. A second Rendezvous was held in Ft. Myers, FL on April 3-5, 2004 and a decision made to formalize the creation of SENTOA, as stipulated in these bylaws.

2. Mission Statement:
To maximize the value of our Nordic Tugs and to enhance our ownership experiences by: providing assistance to other owners; sharing ideas, cruising information and local knowledge; as well as enjoying social activities with other association members.

3. Membership:
Membership is limited to: a) persons actively aspiring to be Nordic Tug owners, b) owners, or c) previous owners. A membership fee, as agreed upon by the membership, will be assessed each boat or couple upon joining SENTOA and annually thereafter, including existing members. The membership fee is due on January 1, each year. Each member is expected to volunteer for at least one of the three standing committees.

4. Structure: (see figure 1)
SENTOA is structured to carry out three main functions: annual Rendezvous, financial accountability, and communications/membership. Each function shall be carried out within a voluntary standing committee structure, lead by a chairperson. The charge to each of the standing committees is as follows:

a) Meetings Committee

  • to plan and conduct the annual SENTOA Rendezvous,
  • facilitate membership cruises, as may be appropriate;

b) Finance Committee

  • maintain general accounting of SENTOA’s finances,
  • report financial status to the membership at the annual business meeting,
  • facilitate corporate or other donations as may be necessary to support the mission of SENTOA,
  • manage cash collections and disbursements,
  • make any official filings necessary to retain SENTOA’s non-profit status in good standing,
  • manage the transfer of signature authority for the SENTOA’s bank account.

c) Communications/Membership

  • maintain a current membership directory,
  • monitor the status of existing or prospective members regarding their meeting or retaining the requirements for SENTOA membership,
  • maintain SENTOA’s communication list serve and the SENTOA web site.

5. Governance: (see figure 1)

Executive Committee
There shall be five officers: three committee chairpersons, a Commodore and a Vice Commodore. Collectively these officers will constitute the Executive Committee. The role of each committee chairperson is to lead their respective committee to carry out the committee charge as stipulated above. The role of the Commodore is to lead the Executive Committee and conduct those activities deemed necessary to realize the mission of SENTOA, as well as endeavor to realize any specific goals agreed upon at the annual business meeting. The role of the Vice Commodore is to perform duties assigned to him/her by the Commodore and to act as the Commodore in the event the Commodore is not available or is incapacitated. The Commodore conducts the annual business meeting and together with the Vice Commodore serve as an ex-officio members of all three standing committees. The Commodore may create ad-hoc committees as deemed necessary. Such committees are not considered part of the SENTOA governance.

Figure 1

SENTOA shall conduct at least one Rendezvous annually, during which time the annual business meeting will be held. Other activities may be held throughout the year based on the desires of the members. The selection of the Rendezvous site shall be guided by the goal to have as many members participate as possible. The final decision on the Rendezvous site location and dates shall be at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

Rules of Order
The annual meeting shall be conducted following the simplified Roberts Rules of Order. Any member may voice a motion, followed by open discussion and a decision taken based on a majority vote by those members present.

Election of Officers
The Commodore and Vice Commodore shall serve for 12 months and be elected by a majority vote of the members present at each annual business meeting. The Commodore shall in turn appoint the Chairpersons of the three standing committees. There is no limit as to the number of terms an officer may serve. The term of office for all officers shall commence on May 1st each year.

Changes to the By-Laws
In order to modify these By-Laws approval by 75 % of the members present at the annual business meeting is required.


Copyright © 2012 SENTOA • Last Update July 22, 2017 • Questions? Contact the SENTOA Officers.