By Chip Worster

The format for the 2012 SENTOA Rendezvous was a complete change from all previous years. Due to a limited response for the last two years, It was decided it was time to try a different  approach. For starters, we decided to do away with the registration fee which normally runs about $100. Next we decided to return to the oldest city in the United States - St Augustine. The city is unique in her old world charm with loads of history and great restaurants. One can stroll the brick lined streets and experience the charming colonial homes and welcoming storefronts that are filled with fabulous gifts, custom crafted jewelry, stunning art, and the best antique shops. Another plus for the city is their Municipal Marina located in the center of all the activity.


The following Tuggers arrived by boat:

Bill & Diane Keltner on “Tugnacious”
Chip & Louise Worster on “Chip Ahoy”
Jack & Rick Norstrand on “Tranquil Tug”
Bob & Emily Wiggins on “Tugaloo”

The following arrived by land cruiser:

Peggy Harretos
Tom & Sandy Hollinger and
Kellee & Chip Brady (new tug owners)

It was decided not to have any seminars or lectures and instead enjoy the many features of St Augustine and the dockside camaraderie.

For our breakfast, we dined at the Athena and the Bunnery Café & Baker. For evening dinning we went to Harry’s Bar & Grill for a fantastic meal in an open court yard. The next night we were driven to Café Al Cazar on two open horse driven carriages and given a guided tour of the city. The final night we were treated to an extended limo ride across the ICW to Mango Mango.

During our off times we had a guided tour of Flagler College and a tour of Father O’Reilly House museum. The guys also made a side trip to Sailors Exchange and the Marine Supply Co,  Both unique nautical establishments.

All in all a great opportunity to renew friendships and enjoy the charms of St Augustine. Thanks Bill for putting it all together.

A Newbie's View of the 2012 Rendezvous

by Kellee Brady

Being a "newbie" now rather than a "wannabie" Nordic Tugger I feel extremely honored and privileged to be part of, and share in, this new and exciting kinship.

As I drove from my home in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, along A1a south to St. Augustine admiring the sun kissed day, I wished that for my first Nordic tug rendezvous "Salacia" (goddess of salt water in Roman Mythology) was with me, this would be Hull #19 I'm speaking of, a true salt water goddess!  We purchased her in September 2011.  Since that time I have spent as much time as my life will allow, getting to know her from bilge to berth.  Learning  the sounds of her sighs as she sways with the water and wind.  There have many blissful nights she rocks me into slumber.   I work hard to learn her quirks while maneuvering  her in and out of her slip and testing the currents of the enchanting Puget Sound.  That's correct Washington State is her home.  I am able to visit her monthly and spend summers with her for now.

And this is how my journey led me to SENTOA...

I am a firm believer that our path is carved out for us.  And if we choose the correct fork in the road or river bend we will be rewarded, and that I was!  My plan was to check out the southeastern tuggers, I imagined this would entail viewing several tugs, hearing some good maintenance tips, have a bite to eat and then return home.  I was fooled.

I was welcomed like a newborn into her loving mother's arms.   These folks were so warm and kind to me that I had a hard time parting ways.  I feel that the beginning of many beautiful relationships just sprouted  in three short days.  We shared delicious meals, stories of boating trips, problems and solutions.  But more importantly to me were the stories of their careers, spouses, children, health, illness and even death.  My heart was filled with immense joy and sadness at times.

The definition of Rendezvous is "a meeting at an agreed time and place..",my definition of SENTOA's rendezvous is a meeting not to be missed, friendships meant to be made, and memories to cherish.

Thanks to Bill and Chip for the planning of a truly spectacular time.   Although they told me this year was much more casual then previous years due to lack of organized speakers, I didnt feel cheated!  Bill had many wonderful tours with elaborate transportation, horse drawn carriages of yesteryear and limo service that made me feel like a rock star.

I walked away more committed to a lifetime of "tugging" then ever before!

Thanks to all my new Nordic Tug friends, can't wait for the next Rendevous.


April 17 to 20, 2012

Hilton St. Augustine Historical Bayfront
St Augustine, Florida


SENTOA Rendezvous 2012 was held downtown in the center of old St. Augustine, Florida at the Hilton St. Augustine Historical Bayfront. Boat slips were available at the St. Augustine Municipal Marina which is located across from the Hilton.

Since there was no Rendezvous fees this year, each person/couple paid for their own accommodations and meals. SENTOA absorbed the cost of the meeting room for any meetings/reception.



2012 Schedule


The 2012 format was less structured with morning get togethers and a couple of meetings about local interests, history of the area and boating topics. Spontaneous roundtable discussions were encouraged to focus on topics of interest to those attending. It was a great time to get to know other tuggers, share stories, visit boats, talk about where we’ve been and places to go.

St. Augustine was a great place to meet with lots of excellent bed and breakfasts, restaurants, shopping, history and a range of things of interest, including a zip line at The Alligator Farm.

This change in format was in response to requests we received and was a refreshing change of pace as we continue the SENTOA tradition of encouraging Nordic Tug boating and strong friendships.

Day 1: Tuesday, April 17

18:00 Cocktail Reception (Cash Bar)

Day 2: Wednesday, April 18

08:00 Breakfast at the Hilton in the 2nd floor meeting room


Welcome meeting where information about things to do, places to go, restaurants, and so forth will be available
10:00 to 18:00 Open time


Day 3: Thursday, April 19            

08:00 Breakfast
09:00   Meeting/roundtable discussion
14:00 to 15:00 Boat visits

Dinner and business meeting




April 19 to 21, 2011

Hutchinson Island Marriott Resort
Stuart, Florida


Hutchinson Island Marriott Beach Resort and Marina

2011 Schedule


Day 1: Tuesday, April 19

12:00 to 17:00  Arrival and registration
17:00 to 19:00 Dock/Cocktail Party
19:00 to …..      

Dinner (on your own)

Day 2: Wednesday, April 20

08:30 to 09:30  Breakfast (on your own)

09:30 to 09:45 

Welcome (Commodore Hollinger)
09:45 to 10:30  What to do when it won’t flush, and other everyday problems by Mark Hubby
10:30 to 10:45 


10:45 to 11:30  Painting a Nordic Tug by Bobbi Martin
11:30 to 13:00  Lunch Hutchinson Island Marriott Resort
13:00 to 13:30  Nordic Tug Telecon
13:30 to 14:15  Skipper Saver course by Mike Knapp
14:15 to 15:00 

Hurricane Preparation by Warren Kern

14:30 to 14:45  Break
15:30 to 17­:00  Tour of Florida Oceanographic Laboratories 
18:00 to ….        

Dinner (on your own)

Day 3: Thursday, April 21            

08:30 to 09:3 Breakfast (on your own)
09:30 to 09:45  Business Meeting Tom Hollinger
09:45 to 10:30 

The Great Loop (tentative)

10:30 to 10:45  Break
10:45 to 11:30  Red Cross CPR Course
11:30 to 13:00  Lunch Hutchinson Island Marriott Resort
13:00 to 13:45  Rivers Coalition
13:45 to 14:30  Florida Inland Navigation District (tentative)
14:30 to 14:45  Break
14:45 to 16:00    Boat Tour & Inspection USCG/USPS
18:00 to …. 

Annual Dinner and Business Meeting Hutchinson Island Marriott Resort





20 APRIL - 23 APRIL 2010

The Marina at Ortega Landing
Jacksonville, Florida
30° 16.7’ N            81° 42.8’ W


Tuesday, April 20 to Friday, April 23


Following the rendezvous, for those interested a follow-on cruise was held to Fernandina Beach, FL, St Mary’s and Cumberland Island, GA.

Marina at Ortega Landing

2010 Schedule


Day 1: Tuesday, April 20

12:00 to 17:00 Arrival and registration
17:00 to 19:00

Cocktails at Ortega Landing

19:00 to … Dinner - On your own

Day 2: Wednesday, April 21

08:30 to 09:30 Breakfast at Ortega Landing

09:30 to 09:45

Welcome (Commodore Hollinger)
09:45 to 10:15 History of Jacksonville Area
10:15 to 10:30 Break
10:30 to 12:00 Traveling the Canals of France (Capt. Eaton)
12:00 to 13:00 Lunch at Ortega Landing
13:00 to 15:00 Boat Safety Checks & Boat Visits
15:00 to 15:15 Group Picture
15:15 to 15:30 Break
15:30 to 16:30

How to be Prepared to Receive Assistance (Tow Boat US)

18:00 to … Dinner on your own

Day 3: Thursday, April 22            

08:30 to 09:30 Breakfast at Ortega Landing
09:30 to 10:30 Safely Navigating an Unknown Inlet
10:30 to 10:45


10:45 to 12:00 The Right Whale and Its Habitat
12:00 to 13:00 Lunch at Ortega Landing
13:00 to 17:00

Boat Visits and Side Trip to Shops of Avondale

14:00 to 16:30 Cruising the Bahamas
18:00 to … Annual Dinner and Business Meeting at Pastiche (Cash Bar)

Day 3: Thursday, April 22

Depart Marina for Fernandina Beach, ST. Mary's and Cumberland Island Cruise



2009 SENTOA Rendezvous


The South East Nordic Tug Owners Association (SENTOA) held its 2009 Rendezvous at The Harborage Marina on the St. Lucie River in Stuart, Florida on April 21st to 23rd. Arriving were 13 Nordic Tugs and with those owners who arrived by car, the total attendance was 42 members and guests. Docked together at the Marina, the tugs, ranging from 26 to 42 feet, attracted a lot of favorable attention from the large crowds touring replicas of Columbus' 1492 fleet that were also stopped at the marina.

The program opened on Tuesday, the 21st with a bountiful evening cocktail party sponsored by Nordic Tugs, Inc.

The Wednesday program was highlighted by a fine presentation of Treasure Coast boating lore by Ed Killer of the Scripps-Howard newspapers, talks on what to do when the GPS quits, advice from veteran Nordic Tug owner Bob Calves on living aboard, boating courtesies, and representatives from the famed Chapman School of Seamanship who conducted a practice seminar on "boat handling for the docking challenged" among us.

The final day's program including a very popular Maintenance Roundtable conducted by local mechanic Mark Hubby who adroitly fielded questions on everything from heads to engines. This was followed by a several hour presentation on the latest in electronics (AIS) and concluded with a field demonstration of emergency responses by Sea Tow.

At the closing dinner it was decided that the 2010 Rendezvous will be held in the Jacksonville Florida area, an active boating center. For further information, call Dr. Tom Hollinger at 352-392-4477 or e-mail thollinger@ufl.edu.

Stuart, Florida
April 21 through April 24, 2009

Nor and Kat Hazs' Nordic Tug 26, Adante, 26-003
Hollinger’s NT 42-028 heading out for docking
instruction with the Chapman School

Click on Photos to Enlarge



2009 SENTOA Rendezvous Schedule


Day 1: Tuesday, April 21

12:00 to 5:00 Arrival and registration
5:00 to 7:00

Cocktails at the Harborage (Courtesy of Nordic Tugs, Inc.)

7:00 to … Dinner - On your own

Day 2: Wednesday, April 22

8:30 to 9:30 Breakfast at the Harborage Yacht Club and Marina

9:30 to 10:00

Welcome (Commodore Keltner)
10:00 to 10:30 Treasure Coast and Bahamian Boating (Ed Killer)
10:30 to 10:45 Break (Snacks and Coffee)
10:45 to 12:00 What to Do When the GPS Quits (USPS)
12:00 to 1:00 Lunch at the Harborage Yacht Club and Marina
1:00 to 1:45 Living on a Tug (Bob Calves)
1:45 to 2:45 Yachting Customs & Courtesies (Joe Tringali)
2:45 to 3:00 Refreshments
3:00 to 4:30

Boat Handling for the Docking Challenged (Chapman School of Seamanship)

4:30 to 5:30

Tour-a-Tug and Vessel Safety Inspections (USCGA)

6:00 to … Dinner on your own (Free Van Service 1800 to 2200)

Day 3: Thursday, April 23            

8:30 to 9:30 Breakfast at the Harborage Yacht Club and Marina
9:30 to 10:30 Maintenance Round Table (Mark Hubby)
10:30 to 10:45

Break (Coffee and snacks)

10:45 to 12:00 What’s New and Good in Electronics (Dennis Close)
12:00 to 1:00 Lunch at the Harborage Yacht Club and Marina
1:00 to 2:00

AIS Systems (Dennis Close)

2:00 to 2:15 Refreshments
2:15 to 4:15

Demonstration of Emergency Responses  (SeaTow)

6:00 to … Annual Dinner and Business Meeting at the Harborage Yacht Club and Marina



2008 SENTOA Rendezvous


The fifth annual SENTOA Rendezvous is history!  Thirty-nine owners and eight Nordic Tugs found their way to Punta Gorda, Florida and Fishermen’s Village Yacht Basin for a day and a half chock full of seminars and evening social activities, April 22-24, 2008.

Two tugs, a 26’ and a 32’ from Satellite Beach, Florida, successfully negotiated the shallow Okeechobee Waterway to cruise to the Rendezvous.  Another 26’ joined them at Franklin Lock on the Waterway for the rest of the way to Fishermen’s Village.  The other five tugs hailed from Clearwater, Ft. Myers, Naples (2) and Punta Gorda on Florida’s west coast.  It’s always a treat to see a group of Nordic Tugs together!

When the attendees entered the seminar room they quickly spotted a poster with a map showing the location of the 57 Nordic Tugs in Florida.  Each Tug was color coded by size.  The poster showed a baker’s dozen more Tugs on the east coast.   The 57 tugs consist of twenty five 32s, sixteen 37s, nine 26s and seven 42s.   Imagine all of them at a Rendezvous!! 

In his welcome address, the Vice Mayor of Punta Gorda presented the City’s plans for new waterfront development.  Punta Gorda recently opened a new municipal marina and will be establishing four mooring fields and providing water taxi and pump out services for boaters.  One existing motel has slips and will be adding to them.  Another motel is under construction that will also provide slips.  The Vice Mayor and the City want Punta Gorda to be a “boating destination”!

How fortunate we were to have a long time Captain of a Sightseeing and Fishing Fleet give us some history of Punta Gorda and Charlotte Harbor laced with bits of humor!   We found out that Ponce de Leon was wounded by an indian’s arrow in his backside during his expedition to Punta Gorda.  He subsequently died as a result of that wound (not funny).  This is the humorous part.  It was reported some of our attendees went to check the statue of Ponce de Leon to see if the arrow was left in his butt!

Claiborne Young is a wealth of information!  He, along with co-author of “Cruising the Florida Keys”, Morgan Stinemetz, reported first-hand observations of places to visit, or not, in the Keys.  Claiborne also presented changes and up to date information on destinations in his latest edition of “Cruising Guide to Western Florida”.  In addition to his guides, Claiborne’s web site www.cruisersnet.net has lots of information including daily postings from boaters with conditions on the waterways.

Claiborne has been involved with the Right to Anchor issue in Florida.  Anchoring is getting more and more complicated as municipalities try to restrict or forbid anchoring in violation of Florida law.  The case in Marco Island that was won by the boaters is being appealed at the state level.  The ruling there will set the stage for anchoring in all of Florida and perhaps the federal level.   Claiborne is hoping the issue will be settled before the Florida Fish and Wildlife Department gets involved.  That would give the issue still another “twist”!  Keep track of the issue on his web site.

Chip Worster, former SENTOA Commodore and now a member of the volunteer SENTOA Listserv Administrative Team, reviewed his handout of the List Rules for posting, how to post and emphasized the need for courtesy and accuracy in all postings.  Nordic Tug personnel monitor postings and participate as needed to help solve situations so remember to include your tug’s number in your signature.  For example: 26-145.  That tells the factory when your tug was built and they can see if others have a similar issue.  So far, annual, voluntary, $15 contributions to SENTOA allow the site to continue.

If you see a Nordic Tug on patrol in the Naples, Florida area with signs saying “United States Coast Guard Auxiliary”, it would be SENTOA member Clois Kicklighter who is Commander of Flotilla 93.  “Sea Slug” might be the only Nordic Tug in this line of duty on the west coast of Florida!  Clois explained the Auxiliary is a non-military, volunteer arm of the Coast Guard.  He described the Auxiliary’s missions for recreational boating safety and Coast Guard support and member services activities.

Hands on activities proved to be very popular. The training chief and fire marshal along with five other members of the Punta Gorda Fire Department provided extinguishers, detailed instructions and a very hot fire that each person put out!  An American Red Cross training specialist proved her point that trying to follow audio directions without training didn’t work!!  She stressed the need for everyone to get certified and those whose certification has run out to take the two hour refresher course in CPR and AED (automatic external defibrillator).

Al Golden, President, International Marine Insurance Services, walked us through the points owners should be looking at when shopping for boat insurance.  He stressed the importance of reading the exclusions on a policy and finding out if your personal boat property is covered under your homeowner’s policy.  Al responded to many questions and reminded the group that insurance is NOT REGULATED!  Not by the state or the federal government so prices will vary! The Chesapeake has the cheapest insurance and Florida’s insurance is a “nightmare”!   One insurance company is issuing rates based on a person’s credit score!   He suggested having an attorney or an agent you can trust look at a policy.   He warned not to put in a claim for a small amount of money.  Insurance companies allow 2 strikes (claims) and then your policy is canceled.

The Nordic Tug factory is always supportive of the Rendezvous and makes sure a representative is present.  We again had the privilege of having Bob Shamek, Sales Manager, with us.  Bob provided a virtual tour of the Nordic Tug factory emphasizing the changes that make assembly easier.  The slides of the new assembly building and tugs under construction showed how large and complex the process is!  Sales of Nordic Tugs have expanded to European and Asian Markets.  While efforts for sales have increased outside the United States, manufacturing will not be moving off shore! 

First mates learned how to “nag” their skippers to teach them about their tugs so they would know what to do when things go wrong at sea.  While the first mates were learning how to deal with mechanical failures, electrical problems, taking on water, medical emergencies, fire, weather and sinking situations, the skippers were enriching their knowledge about managing batteries, inverters and chargers.  The skippers couldn’t believe the first mates needed to be taught how to “nag”!!   They would like to hear the First Mates Program in the future!  The First Mate’s Program was developed by Bill Wildman, US Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 93, Naples, Florida who along with Commander Clois Kicklighter shared the presentation.  The skipper’s program was conducted by local electronics expert Gerry Misener.  NOTE:  Clois and Bill also conducted very thorough vessel safety checks.  They even included dinghies! 

SENTOA’s future was assured when volunteers came forward to fill officer and committee chairs.  New officers and committee chairs will be posted at SENTOA’s web site.   Members are asked to contact committee chairs to volunteer their assistance! 

NEW FOR FALL 2008!!  A mostly social, week end gathering in the fall is being planned so owners will have another opportunity to get to know each other.  Look for announcements of the meeting that will be held in late October or early November somewhere in Central Florida.

The 2009 SENTOA Rendezvous will be in Stuart, Florida.   

The seminars, social activities and the silent auction were great successes thanks to everyone’s interest and participation!  The silent auction was an excuse for everyone to kid and bid against each other.  It is a known fact that Nordic Tuggers are a happy group!   They certainly know how to have fun at a Rendezvous! 

The spectacular sunsets each evening during the social activities at the Captain’s Table Restaurant on the waterfront at Fishermen’s Village were an unadvertised bonus!!  One couple who went exploring on some free time said, “We really enjoyed funky Punta Gorda!"

Read about the 2008 Rendezvous Follow-On Cruise


2008 SENTOA Rendezvous Schedule
12:00 to 5:00 pm Arrival, registration, information
  5:00 pm

Captain’s Table Restaurant at Fishermen’s Village with heavy hors
D’oeuvres and cash bar

4/23/08 8:30 to 9:30 am Full, hot breakfast
  9:30 to 10:30 am Welcome to Punta Gorda - Mayor Larry Friedman
Brief History Charlotte Harbor and Punta Gorda – Capt. Ralph Allen
  10:30 to 10:45 am Break
  10:45 am to 12:00 pm “Cruising the West Coast of Florida” – Author, Claiborne Young
  12:00 to 1:00 pm Lunch Buffet and optional “How to use the List-Serv”- Chip Worster
  1:00 to 1:30 pm “Right to anchor in Florida?” – Court Case Update, Claiborne Young

1:30 to 2:15 pm

SENTOA’S Future - Commodore Bill Keltner
  2:15 to 2:30 pm Break
  2:30 to 3:00 pm “What is the Coast Guard Auxiliary?” – Commander Clois Kicklighter
  3:00 to 4:00 pm

Hands on putting out a fire – Chief Ray Briggs, Punta Gorda FD

  3:00 to 4:00 pm Hands on AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) and new CPR –
Jennifer Prescott, American Red Cross
  4:00 pm Vessel Safety Checks (Fishermen’s Village Yacht Basin)
  4:00 pm Tug Crawl (Fishermen’s Village Yacht Basin)
4/24/08 7:45 to 8:45 am Full, hot breakfast
  8:45 to 10:15 am “What’s Going on With Boat Insurance?” – Al Golden, International
Marine Insurance Services
  10:15 to 10:30 am Break
  10:30 to 11:00 am Nordic Tug News – NT Factory Representative
  11:00 am to 12:00 pm “Skippers-How are you managing your house power? That is, your
batteries, charger and inverter?” – Jerry Misener, Punta Gorda West
  11:00 am to 12:00 pm “First Mates-What do you do when things go wrong at sea?” –
Commander, Coast Guard Auxiliary, Clois Kicklighter
  12:00 to 12:30 pm Optional - Planning après Rendezvous cruise April 25-28 –
Minnie and George Osteyee, Cruise Leaders
  Afternoon Afternoon on your own! Many activities to choose from or just relax
and enjoy!
  6:00 pm Banquet (Cash Bar) and Silent Auction
Captain’s Table Restaurant, Fishermen’s Village
4/25/08 10:00 am

Begin après Rendezvous cruise


Attendees Vessel Size and Name
Bush, Thomas and Rosita 42 The Thomas B*
Carter, Ron and Peggy 42 Sedona*
Chance, John and Marjorie 26 Daisy II
Doyle, Mike and Winter, Bunny 37 Options
Eaton, Gary and Carolyn 37 Tugsy Sea Gull
Hassell, Jeff, Laura and Susie 32 Toto*
Hollinger, Thomas 42 Penelope
Jones, Roger and Haretos, Margaret 32 Seren Clare
Keltner, Bill and Diane 37 Tugnacious
Kicklighter, Clois and Joan 32 Sea Slug*
McKinney, Joe and Shirley 26 Easy Go'n
Morris, Jeff and Keener, Kate 37 Adventure-Us
Nostrand, Jack and Rick 32 Tranquil Tug*
Osteyee, George and Minnie 42 Muggins*
Scott, Talmadge and Holly 26 Holly Anne
Shamek, Bob Nordic Tugs Factory
Smith, Alan and Annette Former Owners of Omega
Wildman, Bill Guest on Sea Slug
Wiggins, Bob and Emily 26 Tugaloo*
Worster, Chip and Louise 26 Chip Ahoy*
* Attended by boat


2007 SENTOA Rendezvous


The Historic A1A Ale House in downtown St. Augustine was buzzing with chatter and laughter as “tuggers” renewed old friendships and made new friends while sharing boating stories at the initial gathering April 17, 2007.  Ten Nordic Tugs decorated the marina and 42 members were ready to attend the roundtables to pick up new information starting early the next morning.

Some of the buzz during the evening consisted of a rumor that Nordic Tugs was going to introduce a 47’ model.  Sure enough, Bob Shamek from the Nordic Tug Factory in his “Welcome from Nordic Tugs” remarks the next morning burst forth with the formal announcement that indeed there is going to be a 47’ Nordic Tug designed by Naval Architect, Howard Apollonio.  It will be offered both with and without a flybridge by June 2008.  It will have a single Cummins engine QSM 610 hp, 2 staterooms, 2 full heads, 16’5” beam and a tunnel drive with a draft of 48”.  It has 1000 gals fuel capacity and 400 gals water. Cruise 15 kts @ 23 gph.  Top cruise 18 kts @ 31 gph.  It will have a 3000 nm range @ 7 kts.  Weight is expected to be 57,600 lbs. Base price between $875,000-$900,000.  Bob issued an open invitation to visit the factory to see the new 47’ under construction as well as the new 30,000 sq. ft. assembly building and 7500 sq. ft. addition to the lamination building.   A new 32’ Nordic Tug has been designed with a tunnel drive and has done well on tests.  Bob urged members to visit the Nordic Tugs web site to update address changes and boat changes so the factory can reach owners when necessary.  Tammy Anderson has returned to the factory and is taking up the helm in the marketing department.

Roundtable discussions were set up so between captains and first mates, no information would be lost! Presentations included a “Captain’s Briefing” by John Tyson, Cummins Power South,  a relationship saving “How to Dock Without Fear and Loathing” by member Doug Folkerth, “A Boatyard Owner’s Perspective” by Tom Holland of Holland Marine, tasty samples of “Easy Hors d’oeuvres” by co president Louise Worster, “55 Tips and Tricks for Nordic Tuggers in 55 Minutes” by co president Chip Worster and “A Surveyor’s View and the Marine Track System” by Jack Allinson, II, Marine Surveyor.

Raymarine was represented by Greg Porter who informed the group of new products and available free upgrades for the C series Chart Plotters either from dealers or the Raymarine.com website.  All you need to download from the website is a blank compact flash card.

Members Leslie and Doug Folkerth took us on the Great Circle Loop as they showed us a photo history of their cruise aboard Happy Clamz, NT 32-127 during the past year.  They will cross their wake and complete the Loop after the St John’s River cruise following the Rendezvous in Jacksonville.

At the business meeting we learned from Treasurer, Diane Keltner, via an excellent visual display, there are 140 SENTOA Members.  80 of those members are active meaning they have voluntarily sent in annual dues of $15.00 to support the SENOA List and mailings/postage.

Co president Chip Worster announced Ruth Jansson is stepping down as Admin List Leader.  The members voted to present Ruth with a West Marine gift certificate as a token of our appreciation for her work and also voted to give our web master, Herb Nickles (http://sentoa.org/) a West Marine gift certificate for the fine job he is doing.  A big THANK YOU and round of applause was given to Bob Shamek for coming all the way from Washington to represent the Nordic Tug Factory and Nordic Tugs for their support to help make the Rendezvous possible.

New officers for SENTOA will have new titles.  Members voted to align with other clubs and change the by laws to read officers shall be known as Commodore and Vice Commodore.  Bill Keltner, “Tugnacious”, NT 37-022 and Alan Smith, “Omega”, NT 32-324 will take over for retiring co presidents, Chip and Louise Worster, “Chip Ahoy”, NT 26-145, as Commodore and Vice Commodore, respectively.  Diane Keltner will remain as Treasurer.  Chip and Louise have worked tirelessly for the past two years and have brought SENTOA to this successful point.  They assured everyone they are going to stay involved!  THANK YOU!

During the final morning of the Rendezvous we heard an excellent presentation by Ed Massey, our Southeast Nordic Tug Dealer about “Florida’s Boating Future”.  Ed is a native Floridian and has watched Florida’s growth.  He noted the disappearance of working boat yards that are being taken over for development. Trailerable boats are more numerous than slip boats thus giving that group more voting power.  This is manifested by government mandating space for boat ramp sites.  The argument over “access rights” is in court to decide the ability to anchor one’s boat.  Ed stated municipalities can request from the State to set their own codes.  He said the boating industry is being unduly blamed for derelict vessels and sewage disposal/pollution problems.  He insisted pollution is caused by runoff from properties.  Waterway maintenance funds have decreased and there is a need for more city owned marinas.  He urged associations like ours to get involved to affect change.  Ed predicts Florida will remain a great boating state although there will be some restrictions on freedom of movement.  He ended with, “It’s a good time to buy a condo/home and trade up a boat with more inventory available.  Real Estate and Boating go together.  Best deals now!!”  Ed gave each attendee Nordic Tug caps to wear to spread the word about our tugs!

The Banquet and Silent Auction (new this year with attendees bringing items) along with prizes obtained by Leslie and Doug Folkerth were smashing successes!!  The Rendezvous ended as it started with everyone having a great time!

The great success of the Rendezvous belongs to Jack Nostrand, “Tranquil Tug”, NT 32-132 for selecting St. Augustine and planning/coordinating all the events. 

The spring 2008 SENTOA Rendezvous will be somewhere on Florida’s west coast in April where Minnie and George Osteyee, “Muggins”, NT 42-067 will be chairs.  Please contact them to volunteer for planning committees and offer site suggestions and ideas/requests for seminars and speakers (mlosteyee@aol.com, 941-380-9277).

Photos from the 2007 SENTOA Rendezvous

Read about the St. John's River Cruise after the 2007 Rendezvous


2007 SENTOA Rendezvous Schedule
12:00 to 5:00 pm Arrive at St. Augustine Marina
  5:00 pm

Social get together at A1A Ale House (Cash bar and hors d’oeuvers)

4/18/07 8:00 am Continental breakfast at A1A Ale House
  9:00 am Welcome and introductions from SENTOA, Massey Yachts, Nordic Tugs and Cummins.
  10:00 to 11:00 am Roundtable sessions 1
  11:15 am to 12:15 pm Roundtable sessions 2
  12:15 to 1:15 pm Lunch
  1:15 to 2:00 pm Medicine at Sea (Dr. Tom Zavelson)

2:00 to 2:45 pm

Florida’s boating future (Ed Massey)
  2:45 to 3:30 pm Report from the Nordic Tug Factory (tba)
  3:30 to 4:00 pm Business Meeting & election of officers
  4:00 pm Boat hopping and sharing ideas, 1 on 1 consultation with pros and vessel safety checks
4/19/07 Morning & Afternoon The day been set aside to visit historic St. Augustine (ride the sightseeing train, visit the Lightner Museum, the Tiffany exhibit or stroll down St. George Street.)
  5:30 pm Cocktail party (cash bar) in A1A banquet room
  7:00 pm Banquet dinner – awards – raffle
4/20/07 Morning

Parade of Tugs under the Bridge of Lions. Farewell or commence beginning of St. John’s River cruise.


Attendees Vessel Size and Name
Berry, Chuck Former Owner of 32 Adriana
Brant, Elizabeth 32 Coda
Cross, Bob
Folkerth, Doug and Leslie 32 Happy Clamz*
Fox, Cheryl
Haretos, Peggy
Hightower, Steve and Chris 37 Nevermore
Johnson, Terry and Karen 32 Green Bean*
Jones, Roger 32 Seren Clare*
Joslin, Dennis and Carole 32 Sunset Lady*
Keltner, Bill and Diane 37 Tugnacious
Kicklighter, Clois and Joan 32 Sea Slug
Knauer, Janet
Massey, Ed Nordic Tugs Dealer
McKinney, Joe and Shirley 26 Easy Go'n
Merwin, Mary 32 Proud Mary*
Mortenson, Tom 32 Tomfoolery
Nostrand, Jack and Rick 32 Tranquil Tug*
Olson, Roger and Dixie 37 Bubbles
Osteyee, George and Minnie 42 Muggins
Owens, Bob and Susan 26 Tugly
Pisano, Ray and Mary Anne 32 Tugntime
Rieckmann, Blair
Rothman, Les and Louise 37 Autumn Saga
Shamek, Bob Nordic Tugs Factory
Smith, Alan and Annette 32 Omega*
Tabbot, Jerry and Diane 26 Lady Diane II*
Van deVoorde, Neil and
Wiggins, Bob and Emily 26 Tugaloo*
Worster, Chip and Louise 26 Chip Ahoy*
* Attended by boat

Special Thanks to our Official Sponsors:

2006 SENTOA Rendezvous


The 2006 SENTOA Rendezvous was held at the Hawks Cay Marina on the 7th, 8th, and 9th of April 2006. The upscale Hawks Cay Marina is located in the central Florida Keys on Duck Cay.. Nearby attractions include diving, fishing and golf. On site facilities include a swimming lagoon, dolphin encounter, several swimming pools, fitness center, and tennis and excellent meeting rooms. Kudos to Judy Hogan for coordinating this years rendezvous.

This year we awarded appreciation awards to three special people: Bob Shamek from NordicTugs, Jim Cress from Skipper Cress, and our own Al Casanova. All three recipients have contributed greatly to the success of our organization. We also presented Nordic Tug coffee mugs from Tugwear for the newest tug to Nevermore, and a mug to the oldest tug. The tug that came the greatest distance was Bill and Diane Keltner from Green Cove Springs. We also presented the “Bent Prop Award” (one year unlimited towing from Tow Boat US) to Steve and Chris Hightower who had to be towed into Hawks Cay because of bad fuel.

Thanks to the effort of Doug and Leslie Folkerth, we were able to award a door prize to every person attending this year. The special door prize this year was a Boss Boat dingy donated by Clearwater Marine Group and the happy winner was Jack Nostrand.on Tranquil Tug.

We are able to maintain a top notch rendezvous due to all our contributors. A special thanks for continuing support from Nordic Tug, Cummins Diesel, and Jim and Stephanie Cress. Jim moved back to Nordic Tugs in Washington State in February. Ed Massey from Massey Yachts Sales and Service was introduced as the new Nordic Tug Dealer for the Southeast. Ed presented everyone with a new Nordic Tug Burgee as well as a West Marine gift certificate. We look forward to a long and pleasant relationship with Judy and Ed Massey.

Attendees Vessel Size and Name
Berry, Chuck and Marty 32 Adriana
Bush, Tom 42 The Thomas B *
Casanova, Al and Marlene 32 Almar Too *
Cress, Jim and Stephanie 52 Big Fun *
Farnham, John and Dorothy 32 Dolly
Folkerth, Doug and Leslie 32-Happy Clamz
Galvin, Richard and Barbara 32 Tuggy Bear *
Gannett, John and Pat 32 Capt. Howard
Hightower, Steve and Chris 37 Nevermore *
Hjerpe, Bill and Donna 32 Resolute *
Hogan, Brad and Judy 32 Popeye *
Jones, Roger 32 Seren Clare
Keltner, Bill and Diane 37 Tugnacious *
Kicklighter, Clois and Joan 32 Sea Slug *
Nostrand, Jack,Rick and Neita 32 Tranquil Tug *
Osteyee, George and Minnie 42 Muggins *
Plummer, Bill and Barbara 42 Lady Barbara *
Rothman, Leslie and Louise 37 Autumn Saga *
Shamek, Bob Nordic Tugs Factory
Sloan, John and Carol 32 Buffalo Wings
Smith, Alan and Annette 32 Omega *
Somes, Dan and Karen 37 Retriver
White, Bob and Doris Guest
Wildman, Bill and Sharon Guest
Worster, Chip and Louise 26 Chip Ahoy *
* Attended by boat


2005 SENTOA Rendezvous


The 2005 South East Nordic Tug Owners Association (SENTOA) rendezvous was held at the Radisson Bahia Mar Beach Resort in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on April 15, 16 and 17.

The Bahia Mar resort complex is the home of the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show and it is located at the center of all those activities that make Fort Lauderdale such an incredible destination. 2005 marked the third anniversary of the founding of SENTOA and without any doubts the 2005 Rendezvous was very special. We received strong support from organizations listed below and special sponsorships from Nordic Tugs, SkipperCress Yacht Sales and Cummins. The seminars included a CPR demonstration as well as a discussion on the merits of having a defibrillator on board, what to do if you are boarded by the Coast Guard or other law enforcement agency, cruising the Great Loop, and our guest speaker, Chuck Husick, former president of Chris Craft and frequent contributor to a variety of boating magazines. In addition, representatives from Nordic Tugs, Cummins, Northern Lights and Skipper Cress were there to answer our questions about maintenance and other topics. In 2005 we introduced the “owners round table” where attendees were able to discuss and share improvements, solution to problems, cruising stories, etc. with other owners.

For those who brought their tugs, the marina set aside an area so that we were all together. For attendees who were unable to bring their tugs to the rendezvous there were plenty of hotel accommodations in the area plus the Bahia Mar resort oferred participants a special rate.

The reasonably-priced rendezvous entry fee supplemented sponsor donations for meals, refreshments, speaker fees and rentals. Three meals on Saturday and a special Sunday breakfast were provided. The Saturday dinner consisted of an Italian Extravaganza which was superb.


Attendees Vessel Size and Name
Jim and Stephanie Cress 52-Big Fun
Al and Marlene Casanova 32-Almar Too *
Richard and Barbara Galvin 32-Tuggy Bear *
Jack and Rick Nostrand 32-Tranquil Tug *
Steve and Kitt Skonie 26-Toot-Sea
Doug and Leslie Folkerth 32-Happy Clamz
Bill and Donna Hjerpe 32-Resolute
Chuck Berry 32-Adriana
Les and Louise Rothman 37-Autum Saga
Jonathan and Nancy Olenick 37-Valentine *
Clois and Joan Kicklighter 32-Sea Slug
Chip and Louise Worster 26-Chip-Ahoy *
Roger Jones & Peggy Hartos 32-SerenClare *
Bob Shamek Nordic Tugs Factory
Phil Kaltenbach 32-Louise K
Brad and Judy Hogan 32-Pop Eye *
John and Carol Sloan 32-Buffalo Wings
Dennis and Carole Joslin 32-Sunset Lady *
John and Dorothy Farnham 32-Dolly
Peter Curmin 32-Poppa’s Angel
* Attended by boat


Photos from 2003
SENTOA Rendezvous

Photos by Al Casanova

Photos from 2004
SENTOA Rendezvous

Photos by Bill Hjerpe

Photos from 2005
SENTOA Rendezvous

Photos by Bill Hjerpe

Photos from 2007
SENTOA Rendezvous

Photos by Bill Keltner


Copyright © 2012 SENTOA • Last Update May 25, 2012 • Questions? Contact the SENTOA Officers.